Nicholas Petrich
Film Maker
I'm Just As Surprised As You
Portland State University
Fir NW
While finishing my bachelor degrees in both marketing & Advertising at Portland State University I interned at the University's advertising agency Called FIR NW. As an executive copywriter, I made a mix of spec work and published Digital and social media advertisements for local PDX businesses. Here is my work.
Deschutes Brewery
The age old tale of feuding neighbors, constantly competing for the best lawn, the best pool, and the best grill. But who cares when you have the better beer.
Integrity Brewing Company
When Integrity Brewing Company came to us to make a social media and OOH advertising campaign, we saw an untapped opportunity: utilize and address their intriguing company name. What does Integrity mean? What does Integrity insinuate? trustworthiness and brutal honesty came to mind. Integrity Brewing Company would never lie to you, especially when it comes to their beer... Among other things.
Sacred Summit
Sacred Summit came to us for a social media campaign to highlight their sales of kombucha at Portland farmer's markets for summer 2021. After the pitch of several ideas, they were deciding between this campaign of body positivity and one of tropical tranquility. The went with the later but I am proud of the campaign I created.
Pfriem Family Brewers
Holiday campaigns geared for adults only.